Acts 6:1-7; Psalm 33;
1Peter 2;4-9; John 14:1-12
Everything about what it means to be Christian revolves around Jesus. It is in him, with him and through him that our lives are rooted and make meaning. This is because Christianity is nothing else but all about Jesus.
Peter invites us to come to Jesus and build our lives upon him who alone makes us acceptable in the presence of God the father. In deed he himself told his disciples “No one comes to the father except through me” (Jn 14:6)
But there is already a caveat at the beginning of the reading “… a living stone rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the eyes of God”. For this reason, those of us who decide to build our lives upon the Lord Jesus should not expect applause and praise from the world. They will treat us as they treat Jesus. but we must be rest assured that the rejection of the world is not a rejection from God. the worlds rejection counts for nothing because, we are living for God and not for man. no matter the rejection we face, God is with us.
Whatever rejection you are facing in your life at this moment, remember God shall deliver you because you are chosen and precious. We are too precious to the Lord for him to leave us to experience loss alone. We cannot disengage our lives from Jesus because it through him that we are chosen as precious in the eyes of God.
For this reason, we must constantly and always be hooked to him. we are called to come to him who is the “living stone”.
In the New Testament the general use of the word “prosechomai” which is translated “come” means to approach, to near or come up to. it seems to suggest an approach with a request, question or challenge. For example, when the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection came to question him about how marriage relationships will be at after the resurrection (Luke 20:27). Also, after Jesus had given the parable of the Sower, the disciples came to question him as to why he speaks to people in the parables (Matt 13:10).
To come to him and let our selves be built into a spiritual house acceptable to God through Jesus. we come to him with all our confusion and challenges believing that Jesus alone has the power and will to help us and deliver us. without our constant and continual coming to the Lord we would die because we too are living stones only because of Jesus the true “living stone” set up on God.
We come to him in prayer and devotion. Each one of us must have a consistent prayer life and seek to grow in our moments of prayer. To help us we can join one of the many prayer devotion groups in the church. This helps us to grow with others and it is a good thing because a Christian is never alone or a loner. Some of the devotional groups are the Legion of Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Perpetual Help confraternity, St Anthony’s guilt among others.
Another devotion that all of us can adopt is the Eucharistic adoration. Eucharistic adoration is an intense intimate conversation with Jesus on in the sacrament of the altar. This devotion is so refreshing and empowering. I recommend that you find time and visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Mass is also an indispensable prayer to every good catholic and Christian. We must attend mass very often for spiritual nourishment for our souls.
Considering that the general message of Peters focuses on Christian conduct, our coming to the lord, our growth in prayer and the spiritual life will also mean that, we must live our lives in a way that reflect Christ all people. living our lives solely for Christ, we become his mirror in the world.
God bless you.
BY Rev. Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu