Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps16
1Pt 1:17-21; Luke 24:13-35
The story of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus happened on the day of resurrection probably late afternoon. The whole story begins from Luke 24 where the women went to the tomb and angels revealed the resurrection to them. They came and reported to the other disciples who could not understand. We read also of Peter who run there to see the empty tomb.
Our gospel for today from Luke 24:13-35 records the reaction of two other disciples to the resurrection. On their journey to Emmaus, Jesus appeared to them. Please do well to read this word of God personally and meditatively. It speaks of our own journeys too.
Jesus joins them and inquired what they were talking about. What is interesting is it that, they asked “are you the only stranger… who does not know what happened in this few days?”(Lk 24:18). They went on to express their grief, sorrow and disappointment and the “stranger” just listened. Note that, Jesus meets them on the road. He doesn’t wait for them to be destroyed by their despair, frustration and disappointment. Jesus joins us on our journey also. He comes along on our journeys of pain, loss, frustration, disappointment and despair. We may not recognize him because he comes along as a stranger. The resurrected Lord does not leave us to be overwhelmed by the frustrations on our Christian journey. Do what the disciples did: Talk to him even when you feel he doesn’t know how you feel. We are never alone in the most difficult moments of our lives. The Lord is with us.
What did they speak about? They spoke about their sorrow and disappointment in the Jesus movement. How they thought of him as a powerful prophet and “had hoped that he was the one to liberate Israel” (Lk 24:21). By these words they reveal the cause of their disappointments. They had expected Jesus to be a kind of political prophet to deliver them. They had hoped that their nation Israel would be established as the most powerful and great nation. Their expectation was at variance with who Jesus is and what he came to accomplish. They saw him as a great prophet when in fact he is the Saviour. They expected him to be a powerful political figure when in fact he gave himself up to be crucified. In all these instances, Jesus becomes a stranger to them. His story looks like that of Theudas and Judas the Galilean which Gamaliel made reference to in Acts 5:36-37.(Please do well to read it). He acted totally opposite to their expectations. But the truth is that Jesus never really promised the kind of redemption and freedom they were hoping for. He entered Jerusalem on a donkey and not a horse. Do you have the right expectation and hope in Jesus? He comes for a different freedom. Many of us today seek Jesus to heal the world of the corona virus but the truth is that he has come to heal our lives and hearts from the virus of sin first. Allow him to relieve you of sin first otherwise you too will be like these two disciples.
Then Jesus began to interpret the word of God to them to make them understand. “…And beginning from Moses and all the prophets he interpreted for them the things pertaining to himself in all the Scriptures.” (Lk 24:27). He led them to discover him (Jesus) in the Word of God. The Word of God is primarily set for us to come to know and discover Jesus. We may find financial principles in there, or rules for a successful marriage but its primary goal is so that we come to discover Jesus. Whenever you take the Bible to read, it is important to pray that, “Lord help me come to encounter and love you in your word, speak to my heart and let my heart burn for you”. Use the Bible for whatever you like but don’t leave out knowing Jesus. Anything else you achieve with the bible without knowing the Lord is useless.
“Stay with us, for it is almost evening” (Lk 24:29). This was the request of the disciples to the Stranger. The word of God says he acted as if he was going further but the request came. The truth is that Jesus wants to be with us. He likes to be our companion on this journey of life but we must invite him. He never forces himself on us. What he brings, hope, gladness and peace, is free and must be freely taken. When you invite Jesus the life into your life you are never alone. The stranger who understands what you are going through is Jesus himself, the resurrected Lord. He understands you than you. Invite him today into your life, work and family.
Lord Jesus, many times we see you as a stranger to the difficulties in our lives. But you are the only person who truly understands us. Heal our faithlessness and hopelessness. Help us discover and encounter you in your word. May your abiding presence abide always with us on this life’s journey. Thank you, Lord, for your love. Amen
God bless you.
By Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu