Is 50:4-7; Ps 22
Phil 2:6-11; Mtt 26:24-27:66

Palm Sunday, also called Passion Sunday, begins what we call Holy Week. This is the last week in the life of Jesus. It is called Palm Sunday in reference to the procession into Jerusalem amid the waving of branches and the singing of Hosana. It is called Passion Sunday because it recounts the passion of the Lord Jesus in the gospel reading for the Mass. This year the triduum will be remembered. Palm Sunday without palms and the singing of hosanna.

It must be noted that the passion accounts are the most revered portions of the gospels. It is believed that these accounts of Jesus’ suffering were the first part of the gospels to have been written. On this Sunday we are blessed with two gospel readings; one is read before the procession (Mtt 21:1-11) and one within the Mass. (Mtt 26:14-27,66)

In the processional gospel we hear that Jesus rode on a donkey in to Jerusalem. this was to fulfil the prophecy of Zachariah (9:9) that the Meek king comes riding on a donkey. This idea of a king riding on a donkey was against common practice of kings using horse, which is a sign of power and war. The donkey has always been associated with the Messianic age.

By preferring to use the donkey instead of the horse, Jesus sets himself up as the Messiah king who would rule in humility and peace than with force and war. By this, Jesus rejects all the corrupt expectations of the Messiah. We must reject any kind of corrup practice of the Christian faith today. The kind of Christianity that preaches a show off of material goods rather than a life of virtue must rejected. A Christianity that does not serve the poor but only the rich and affluent in our society must be rejected. A Christianity that demands only blessings and forsakes responsibility must be rejected. A true Christian is one whose life is characterised by humility, simplicity and peace.

As Jesus rode his donkey into Jerusalem, the people sung saying “Hosanna to the son of David; blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord; hosanna in the highest” (Mtt 21:9). Hosanna is from the Hebrew “hosha na” which means “save us”. In fact, this whole verse of praise to Jesus is from Psalm 118:25-27. The whole of this Psalm was about a king coming into the city of Jerusalem. With time this Psalm is seen as the Psalm of the future king who will be their Messiah. This king comes to Jerusalem and goes to the Temple to offer sacrifice. (Ps 118:27) If this king is to offer sacrifice then he must be a priest also.

The crowd that accompanied Jesus into Jerusalem sees in him the Messiah who is to come and save them. They did not hesitate to call him son of David. Jesus goes into the Temple not to offer a lamb but himself. As a priest He does not offer an unwilling lamb but himself. He accepts to sacrifice himself for your sake.

Jesus chose to die for you. He chose you over his life. He gives his life willingly in order to save you. He knows that you are like Judas, too greedy, but he offered his life for you. He knows you are like Peter, denying him because you are afraid and shy, yet it doesn’t matter, he loves you so much as to give himself for you. He chose you even though your past may be a terrible one – he loves you just as you are. Your present may make you feel unworthy but he chose to die for you. He died not for each one of us personally and singularly.. Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing to take the place of a condemned sinner like me.

By the passion of the Jesus may we be granted us salvation.

God bless you.

By Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu


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