Acts 10:3a,37-43; Ps 118
Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9
On this day our great silence of grief is interrupted forever with the good news that Jesus is risen. Today’s gospel from John 20:1-9 gives the account of the resurrection of Jesus.
In this account, the gospel writer recounted that after Mary of Magdala went to report the empty tomb to the Apostles, John and Peter run to the tomb; he mentions that the burial cloth was there in the tomb. This may seem just a passing statement but there is more to it.
On the fifth Sunday of Lent we read the story of Jesus raising up Lazarus from death. In this instance, after Jesus called out Lazarus from the tomb, he was still bound by the trappings and cloth of death. And Jesus said they should unbind him. What is happening here is that, John is pointing out the difference between the rising of Lazarus and the resurrection of Jesus. Lazarus was raised but will die again. But Jesus will never die again. The trappings of death could not cling to him. In fact the writer mentions this fact twice in John 20:5 (he bent down and saw the burial cloth there) and John20:6 (Simon Peter went in there and saw the burial cloths there and the burial cloth that covered his face rolled up in a different place). what does this mean?
Jesus unlike Lazarus will not die again. The evidence of the burial cloths left there and folded mean that Jesus has overcome death. The hold of Death could not cling to him. He didn’t need anyone to unbind him from the bondage of death. He has conquered death. Jesus shares his victory over death with all who believes. This is what scripture means when it says, “Death is swallowed up in victory. Where O death is your victory, where O death is your sting” (1Cor 15:54-55)
The Easter joy is in the fact that our saviour has not only redeemed us, he has restored our life. The condemnation of Eden is replaced by the promise of eternal life. The Lord by his resurrection on Sunday, the first day of the week, is beginning to create things anew. The Easter joy is that we who follow and believe in him are privileged to be part of this new creation. (Rev. 21:1-5).
Easter joy is a celebration of breakthroughs. There is something about Easter, that in the mist of pain, grief and confusion, joy breaks forth. It is a celebration of possibilities. As the world runs about in confusion and fear at this time when we face the scourge of Covid 19, we rejoice because we are sure that God has not forgotten about us. There will be breakthrough for us. For all those who have been praying God’s blessing, may you receive what you have been believing God for.
About our relationship to the resurrection Paul says, “if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies by the spirit that dwells in you” (Rom 8:11). This means that, the Power that rolled the stone away is living in every Christian. The spirit that caused Jesus to rise from the dead is in every Christian. This is very deep. The power of possibilities, the power over death, the power of victory dwells in you. Do you believe that?. It means that nothing can hold you down. May every hold upon your life should be loosened in Jesus name. This is the reason for our joy at this time.
When Jesus rose from the dead, he made effort to let his disciples see that he was the one but at the same time he was different. He ate and allowed them to touch him but at the same time he could now pass through walls and could “fly”. After the resurrection he remains the same Jesus but with a resurrected body. That is the joy that Easter brings to each one of us. We are the same but different. We are in the world but not of the world. We are human but now have divine access and divine fellowship. This then, puts some responsibility on us also. We must act in a way that would show that we are new people. It calls for lives that testify to the transformation of the Christian experience. To all Easter people, Paul says, “If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God…put to death immorality, impurity…” (Col 3:1,5)
Jesus rose to bring us freedom, joy and peace that only he can give. May the resurrection of Jesus roll away every stone of disappointment in our lives. May we find reason to live lives worthy of the Christian call. Remember to always be joyous, it is your spiritual heritage.
God bless you.
By Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu