16th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Yr C
Gen. 18: 1 – 10; Ps. 14:2-5
Col. 1: 24 – 28; Lk 10: 38- 42
Jesus the Focus
Our gospel presents us with Jesus’ visit to two sisters. These two sisters are eager to serve Jesus but in different ways.
Martha- perfect host. She prepares the house, cooks, washes his feet.
Mary – the contemplative and emotional host.
Martha is very active to make sure the stay of Jesus was comfortable enough. This is what upset her, so she complains about Mary who seemingly was doing nothing and just sitting by the Lord. The Lord points out that Martha was too worried (Periespato) about many things. To be worried about many things is to be pulled and dragged in different directions.
The problem is not Martha’s service but how that distracts her from what was important: Jesus.
She breaks all the rules of hospitality which is paying attention to the guest. She seems to be concerned about all other things except what is really important. Jesus says, “Martha, Martha you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need for only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42) In each one of us there is a Martha and a Mary. But the Lord said Mary had chosen the best portion.
By saying this Jesus sought to redirect the energies of Martha.
- The Martha is seen when we begin to think that church is all activity and that is happening a lot today.
- Whenever worship is about what I am doing, that is Martha.
- Whenever there is a feeling that we are not being seen or recognized by men, that is Martha. Martha is the one who is more concerned about the work of God than the God of the work.
- Martha is the one who is so enthusiastic about soul winning when his or her own soul is far from the Lord and is not won yet.
What is the Better part?
Mary is the one who recognizes that what is important is the friendship of Jesus. He or she recognizes that the primary reason is Jesus. That what Jesus is doing in him or her is more important that what he or she can do or is doing.
Mary is the one who seeks to be a disciple first.
Mary is like
- That one who seeks to listen to the direction of Jesus.
- A heart obedient and submissive.
- A heart striving to be better. It’s a humble heart.
Is Jesus condemning “activeness” in the church? No. where will the church be without the “Marthas”. In fact, the Lord sees it as complimentary but he does not want us to lose sight of what is important.
He requires that we nurture our relationship with him first. True service comes from a deep spiritual life.
Without Jesus and a meaningful relationship with him, all that we do may not be fruitful and fulfilling. It in fact becomes a burden.
We must make time for prayer, meditation, reading of scripture, confession and the Eucharist.
The Lord demands our hearts and not our service. When we give our hearts to him, then our service becomes acceptable and meaningful.
By Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu