Lent is described as a penitential season. A time we are called to return to the Lord by acts of repentance. In this season, we are called to do away with habits that are harmful to our relationship with God and to one another.
To help us, the Church proposes that we undertake Lenten Observances of Fasting, Prayer and almsgiving, which I like to also call, “service”.
Fasting is the abstention, whether complete or partial from food or drink for religious reasons. Fasting has always been a means of penitence since the early Church. The intent of fasting is penitential in nature and with the purpose of intensifying prayer.
The practice of fasting for repentance can be found in 1 Kings 21:27. In this instance the Lord had mercy on Ahab for fasting as a sign of repentance. In the same way, we also fast to acknowledge our sins and pray that the Lord will turn away his face from our sins and create in us a new spirit. (Ps 51:5, 9 and 12). In fasting we can also refrain from using certain legitimate pleasures. We can refrain from social media, sweets, make-up, watching our favorite team play, pito and alcohol among others.
Prayer is the lifting up of one’s mind and heart to God or requesting good things from God. (St. John Damascene). As previously mentioned, we fast in order to intensify our prayers.
During the season of Lent, we are not just called to pray, but to cultivate the character of intentional prayer. It is a time where we intentionally pray. This means that we are faithful to our devotional time for prayer; and those who do not have a devotional time for prayer are to find one, develop one and begin one. During this season, we would no longer “chance upon the Mass” but actually prepare for it and enjoy its mystery.
One form of prayer that we should never forget this season is the Sacrament of Penance and reconciliation. It is an opportunity to really lift up our minds and heart to the Lord our God so he truly renews us.
Almsgiving is the next Lenten observance. It is a recognition that no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in, we are in a better position than others and therefore we make efforts to reach out to people who are in need.
This should be easy because whatever we give up in our fasting or abstinence becomes the opportunity to reach out. If you give up wearing make-up or refrain from buying make-up this Lent, you spend that money to meet the needs of another person. If it is an activity, I am refraining from, I can use that time in some volunteer work at church or to help the sick. Sweeping and cleaning the gutters in your area in this season can be a good Lenten practice.
Remember that, if only you seek to give alms and serve, opportunities abound round us.
Have a very transforming experience this lent.