Josh 24:1-2a,15-17; Ps 34

Eph. 5:21-32; John 6:60-69


Today’s gospel brings to an end the discourses on Jesus the bread of life in John chapter 6.

People followed Jesus for many reasons. Some for the signs they saw, others for the bread he gave them. He taught them that he has come to bring life eternal by giving them his flesh and blood. At the end of his teaching, his listeners must make a decision. Their allegiance to Jesus must be clear.

But in all these, there comes a time when allegiance to Jesus must clearly be decided and determined.

Many Christians also have various reasons for being Christian or coming to Church, but there comes a time when your Christianity must be shown. Where we see if you are faithful or not.

“This is a hard saying”

Their response to Jesus’ teaching was, “this saying is hard”. The Greek word translated hard or difficult is “skleros” which has more to do with acceptance than understanding. It was not because they did not understand him but because they do not want to accept what he was saying. Many of them understood what he was saying but they cannot accept it. They did not like the way he was talking.

Many of us Christians read the Bible, come to church, hear homilies, but we do not accept the teachings. We sometimes get offended when the priest talks about the evils in our lives. This is the reason for no change in our moral lives. Christianity in its different forms and shades, is the single largest religious body in Ghana. But it seems we are in no way bringing positive change or influence on our nation. Corruption abound as there are the shades of Christian fellowships and churches. Could it be because our churches now glorify materialism than morality? Is it because the church now seeks to compete with the world than for the kingdom of God? Could it be, that the church in focusing too much on material prosperity as a blessing from God, is killing the virtue for hard work and breeding corruption?

Many Christians in our country today, prefer to live a life of convenience and compromise than a commitment to their Christian convictions. Just take a cursory look at our political front. We see a lot of people who claim they are Catholics and Christians, and yet openly say and do things that undermine the faith they claim to profess.

“Does this offend you”

Jesus knew that many of them did not accept what he was saying. So, he asked them, “does this offend you?” Jesus was teaching them the best way to worship God. He was telling them that he replaces the life-giving revelation of the Torah. That all who desire to have a good life must embrace him, Jesus. And he makes this eternal life concrete in their lives through the giving of his body and blood. But they would not accept it.

These days many do not accept the teachings of the Church. In fact, people are easily offended these days even by the gospel. Furthermore, it seems to me that when people become successful (whatever that may mean) or rich they think they are beyond reprimand or correction. They think that they are beyond the demands of the gospel. It takes real humility to still look up to the teaching of the church and the gospel for spiritual direction, and not to become too wise.

Many returned to their old way of life…

What is striking about this passage is that those who left Jesus were not his enemies but his disciples. The problem with the Christian church is not the persecution from the world and worldly powers but the treachery of its members. They easily abandon the church. They stop going to church because of quarrels. They abandon their faith in the face of opposition and worse of all for promotion at work or to embrace an opportunity for riches or for political rightness.

They build for themselves new morality. So many people today begin their statements regarding morality thus, “as for me…”. Well, they are just like the people God spoke about when he says, “My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” (Jer 2:13).

But Jesus does not change his teaching simply because they do not accept it. This is because his words have life. When we fully accept the words of Jesus, then we truly begin to live. His words have the power of God to give us life and happiness.

To whom shall we go…

When the others left, Jesus turned and questioned those stayed. But Peter responded on their behalf, “Lord, to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life” (Jn 6:68).

Peter’s word, “to whom shall we go” is a great profession of faith; that they may not understand what he is saying but they pledged their allegiance.

They may not like what he says and the way he says it but they will stay with him. His teachings make them uncomfortable but they are ready for the challenge of the spiritual life. They stay with him because they recognize that Jesus has true teachings and with him they will be better off.

We are truly better off with Jesus.

You can choose to live without him but with him is the promise of life, goodness and grace.

God bless you.

BY Rev. Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu


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