Isaiah 49:3,5-6; Psalm 40

1 Corinthians 1:1-3; John 1:29-34


Paul begins his letter by identifying himself as an apostle. That is, one who is sent to them on the authority of Jesus Christ according to the will of God. this was important because his “apostleship” was different from that of the other twelve. His authority came from a personal encounter with the risen Lord on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians. He was not physically present at the time of the Lord like the others, and he attributes this to the will of God.

It is clear from how he speaks about himself, that the letter is not a friendly or casual one. When we take the Bible to read or reflect upon, we should do so with all seriousness and not casually. Sadly, these days, the teaching of the Word of God is losing its place in the life of the world and most sadly in the life of many Christians. It is time we wake up to the fact that the Bible is the Word of God to us in all seriousness.

The letter is to the Christians in Corinth, who also have been called by God. to speak of his own call is also to point to the call of the church, as a community and individuals. We are all called, one and all, to be faithful to our calling.

We have all been called to holiness for it is “the church of God”, who have been sanctified by Christ and are called to be holy. The word “church” is from the Greek word “ecclesia” which means to be called out. The church, therefore, is the group of people who have been called out from the world to holiness. All who belong to the church should see themselves as answering the invitation of God – an invitation to a new experience and a new life. Those in the church are in the world but not of the world, for they live by God’s principles. The church must take care, especially in these times not to be influenced or controlled by the world.

The assembly belongs to God and is called to be loyal to him as Paul was. The assembly is sanctified in Christ Jesus through the saving action of his death and resurrection. As a product of the saving grace of Jesus, the church has within her the means and aids of holiness. Each member must therefore continue in holiness. A Christian who is not living or seeking a life of holiness is therefore not living up to the status of a Christian and is unfaithful. For the Christian holiness is not an event or merely an experience but a lifestyle.

The church may be full of sinners, weak men and women but it is a family striving towards holiness and are therefore not defined by their weaknesses and sin, but by what God can do and does through them.

To continue in holiness is to always judge our choices and decisions by God’s word and the magisterium of the church. In a world that empties sins off the seriousness of the offence to God, the Christian must always be aware that he is called to live by higher values and principles. Living a virtuous and holy life may not be exciting and comfortable but it sure brings us lasting peace.

All Christians are called to be in holy solidarity with one another. All those who recognize Jesus as Lord are one. The bond among Christians is that of family. Therefore, the Christian church, no matter where they may be, is one family in the world. There is no surprise then that he used “brother” to refer to Sosthenes.

Beyond tribe, race and social status we are all one family in Christ Jesus. The fellowship of the church should express this family character in our care, love and appreciation of one another.

Paul imparts a blessing on the Christian community of Corinth. He imparts grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace is a result of God’s covenantal love, and peace is the fullness of God’s benevolence to his people. The source of this blessing which Paul imparts on the community comes from God the Father and Jesus Christ.

God continues to be faithful to the new covenant in Jesus Christ through which he saves us, forgives sin and shows mercy. He never ceases to grant us all the help we need on our journey. He is always with us.

May we as a community keep a fellowship of holiness as we journey on in this world. May we be faithful so the life of Jesus shines through us to the world.

God bless you.

By Rev. Fr. Delight Arnold Carbonu


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